Kicking and Screaming I am Bloggin

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Location: Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States

Friday, April 27, 2007

Can Not View mdi Files, know issue

Well it appears not to be a know issue to anyone I sent the file to nor was it to me until a few minutes ago.
It seems that the default install of Office 2007 sets Microsoft Document Imaging to "Install on first use" however seems there is a giltich because instead of installing it says I don;t know what program to open this file with you are on your own. OK so I may have paraphrased a bit :>)
Anyways if you find yourself in this predicament, here is your solution

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Epidemic of servers not being able to sync their time

Hi Gang,

I don't know if you have noticed or not (maybe you are not effected) but there seems to be an epidemic of servers not being able to sync their time recently.
I have found this little batch file to fix it for my client's servers, you may want to change the time source to one local to you, I have had good luck with the one in the file.
This is for servers that have been working fine and all of a sudden just stopped, the M&M's article on syncing time on SBS is still your best bet if you never got your time to sync on your network.

Here are the commands;

w32tm /configure /,0x8 /syncfromflags:MANUAL
net stop w32time
net start w32time
w32tm /resync

Paste them to txt file and change the extension to cmd and save it on your server's desktop you can just double-click to run the commands.
Watch the last command and make sure it says the sync was successful.

You can get a list of time servers from
